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Sunday, July 6, 2008

Movie Critique and Editorial

Maybe I am getting old but where have all the good movies gone?

Can't Hollywood just make an entertaining movie without a political or social statement rammed down our throats and without swearing, nudity, crass humor, sexual innuendo, drug references, etc..?

They certainly have their free speech rights and I certainly have my right to not go and see their garbage. But what irks me is that I pay to get into a movie that seems interesting from the trailers only to be disappointed when they take a perfectly good story and ruin it with trash.

Two cases in point: Wall-e and Hancock. The animation and base storyline in Wall-e was great and the characters were well developed - but what's with the man is a lazy, fat, non caring, trash the planet message? Notice that the corporate CEO type who trashes the planet and gives up in trying to clean it up is a real human while the ignorant humans who are the hope of the world are animated.

Hancock was even more disappointing. Besides having a dumb ending, the swearing throughout the movies was nauseating. After the show I noticed how many young kids were in the theater with their parents. I wonder what they think - if at all. It is a sad state of affairs today but I just wonder had I asked those parents what they thought of all the swearing in the show (and by children, I might add) how many of them would have agreed with me or, looked at me as if I had a bug on my face. Call me cynical but I believe most parents today don't even recognize it as a problem and would dismiss my comments as prude and outdated. How sad for those kids.

I for one am going to talk to my congressman (who is a friend of mine) to try to get the "clean flicks" idea back in business. Let Hollywierd make what they want to make but give us a choice to cut out all the garbage.

Happy 4th of July!!!

We all had a relaxing and fun time this holiday. On Thursday afternoon we went to Carpinteria beach where we met up with Donald and Sam. Friday was a blast doing the traditional swim, BBQ, go the movies and then watch fireworks kinda thing. On Friday morning there was a pancake breakfast at the church. We hung out with friends and Heidi's family most of the day. Saturday was more a a recoup day with another movie and then dinner with the Riddles at Don Cuco's. We hope everyone out there had a great time.

Now we head into the birthday celebrations where we have on Heidi's side of the family 6 birthdays over the next 12 days. Yikes!

On the missionary front we are praying for the quick recovery of Elder Tyler French serving in the Ogden, Utah mission. Tyler underwent surgery the other day on his shoulder (an old football injury). From all reports he is doing great. We also enjoy receiving the letters of Elder Adam Figgat who comes home soon from the Cleveland, Ohio Mission and Elder Brandon Crow serving in Seoul, South Korea. All of them great young men.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

There's No Crying in Baseball

But there sure is in basketball. We are in mourning and crying our little eyes out. It is hard to admit that Boston is better. Our beloved Lakers never really showed up this series. Even their Ws were ugly. Well, there is always next year, right?

Sunday, June 15, 2008


Heidi and I want to wish both our dads a wonderful and happy Father's Day. John Douglas Cawley and Gary Lee Larkins are two of the most influential men in our lives. They mean everything to us and they continue to be a great influence on their grandchildren. We feel so grateful to be asociated with men of such standing and values. They have taught us well and we can only hope to be better people because of their examples. Heidi and I and our children love and honor them.

Brittany (aka Sweet Pea)

Brittany told us that there are not enough pictures of her on this blog. So here she is - cute as a button!!!

Youth Conference

Spencer attended youth conference this year and had a great time along with 250 or so other teenagers. On Thursday the youth were treated to the In-N-Out truck (hamburgers), a fireside and an outdoor dance. On Friday they all went to the beach and afterwards attended a fireside and held a lip sync. Spencer said the beach was freezing. Most of Saturday was spent doing a service project in conjunction with "LA Works Day" where they, along with many other groups and corporations helped renovate an elementary school near downtown Los Angeles. Later that evening they met back at the church for another fireside, testimony meeting, dinner and then dance. After I picked up Spencer from the church Saturday night we went to McDonald's and talked about the conference. It was apparent that he had a good time and enjoyed the many talks given. It has been fun listening to him tell us stories.

Thursday, June 12, 2008


The greatest choke in NBA history. We are in mourning. Normally at this point I would say "Go Lakers" but I don't have the strength or heart right now. We hate to say it but the Celtics look like champions and the Lakers look like second fiddle that's badly out of tune. Oh, and by the way, the Dodgers lost today to San Diego (San Diego!) 9-0. Bad bad sports day.

New Year's Trip to Disneyland

We had a blast during our traditional New Year's trip to the magic kimgdom. We were sad that Scott could not be there with us (he was back with his family in Philadelphia).

Lina Graduates From The 6th Grade!!

Caroline is very happy today as she graduated from Stevenson Ranch Elementary. Being the baby she is the last to go through elementary school. Now Lina is off to Junior High at Ranch Pico!! The ceremony was very nice and we celebrated by going to Red Lobster (one of Lina's favorite restaurants). Pictured with Caroline are her friends Alexis and Cindy and also with her teacher Ms. Billings.